Baby Classes

People either love them or hate them. some think they are utterly pointless while others believe they are essential to a babies upbringing. In today's post, I will tell you my opinion on baby classes.

I started going to baby classes when my little man turned 3 months. At that point, I tried to sign up to everything so I was out every day. This is not something I would recommend. My personal choice is two classes a week with the odd extra one if the weathers not be good enough to do anything else.

Now, what do I think of baby classes? Well, that really depends on the class. I would really recommend baby sensory classes. The difference it made seeing my little boy do similar things each week and watching him react and learn differently each time was amazing to see. Could I have done these things at home and saved myself £5 a week. Yes! but getting out of the house and meeting the other mums and seeing how the babies interact with each other makes the whole thing worth it.
One class I don't recommend rushing out to is swimming lessons. Now I understand all the benefits that come from these classes with the helping with the confidence in the water but for me, it just brought more anxieties (Thank Google. If you have seen my first post you will understand). Baby boy did enjoy it but not the changing that came to either side which meant we were late getting in the pool every week and when you are only spending half an hour in the pool I don't think it is worth the money. I would rather wait until he's a bit older.

As much as I love baby classes I really do think people should take advantage of the free options available in the area. We go to our local libraries rhyme time once a week. completely free, half an hour and all you have to do is sit and listen to the staff singing nursery rhymes and boy oh boy does my little one love this. As they sing the same songs every class in the same order he gets excited knowing what's coming up next and bounces in my lap the whole time. After we have a bottle of milk while I read him a story to help settle him before we walk home and it truly makes a wonderful afternoon.

So again what do I think about baby classes? You are not hindering your child by not going as long as your stimulating them at home and getting them out of the house but they are so good in so many other ways. Mum friends who understand why your hair looks like a birds nest when the class starts at 10am. The selfish reason that temporarily someone else is entertaining your child so you feel in a small way you have a break. Finally an excuse to leave the house because you need that when you have a teething, tired and clingy baby.


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