The Next Baby Chapter

I loved the Newborn stage but this one is so much more rewarding. 
My little boy turned 6 months a few weeks ago. Over those short weeks, we have introduced solids and gone straight to three meals a day (he's a big eater). He's trying to crawl doing the little cute rocket 3,2,1... no lift-off 😂. He's even started to pull himself up (with a lot of effort) but the most rewarding is the reaching. You'll be sat in bed or on the sofa together and he will turn around and reach out asking for a hug. When you approach the cot again those little chubby hands are asking for you to help him out so he can explore. As mean as it is to say I also love it when someone that isn't his dad or I are holding him and he is reaching for either of us. Really showing us that we are who makes him truly happy.

Obviously being 6 months has its own new anxieties that as you have seen in my previous post I struggled with but they are more manageable. For example "OMG He is rolling everywhere what he picks something up and chokes" Babyproof. We bought a lovely baby pen from eBay that is nice and big so he can still crawl and dad and I can go in and play. 
There was also the solid transition issues I didn't expect like the fact it would take him hours to drink a 7oz bottle that used to take him two minutes even if he hadn't eaten in hours. Luckily it was just a phase and he is now back to eating at least 28oz of baby formula a day. 

I really didn't believe what people said that it gets easier as they get older and I can honestly say, it does. Yes, you have new problems to look out for but you are now used to this baby life and all the stuff that comes along with it. The silly worries you had before become just that. Silly. 

I honestly can not wait for what lies ahead...... but can it please slow down. My baby boy needs to stay a baby, please!


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