Favourite Shop Bought Baby Food

I followed the UK guidelines and started to give my son solids when he turned six months (we started a couple of days early so daddy could be there for the first meal.) I was going to start with baby-led weaning but was unaware of the gag reflex on a baby being further forward in the mouth and the gagging terrified me. My health visitor advises me that it's natural and stops eventually. Still, it freaked me out so much that I decided to go down the spoon feeding route and slowly introduce easy finger foods. So because of that, this list will be mainly pureed food.

So let's get started..... 

My top 5 baby foods

At number 5 we have Lidl Lupilu pouches. At 39p you really can not go wrong. My local store has so many fruit flavour to choose from but little one's favourites are the Apple & Banana and the Peach & Banana.


Pros: They are so reasonably priced. Lots of flavours to choose from. Great for a first meal.

Cons: Very runny so needs to be mixed with other textures when you have an older baby. Flavour availability varies quite drastically from store to store

Trusted Cow&Gate. With endless options of flavours from breakfast to meaty dinners, your baby can be fed morning till night no matter where you are.


Pros: Reasonably priced, Found in multiple stores, endless options

Cons: Some of the meat options are like jelly when you first open making them less appealing for us parents feeding it. (solved when warmed in a bowl of warm water and stirred)

Heinz baby porridge. I mean baby porridge is baby porridge but this is hit at home with my little man.


 Pros: Quick to make. Many flavour options.

Cons: Possibly the hardest to clean off baby after adventurous feeding due to stickiness.

Babese & Piccolo Poaches. Who doesn't want to get there baby trying more adventurous posh sounding food? With green Thai curry and beef ragu on the menu, a baby has gone gourmet.


Pros: Organic. Full of flavour. Fancier than your typical baby food.

Cons. Expensive compared to popular brands

Kiddylicious wafers. These are great for on the go and as a first weaning food. After telling a mummy friend about my fear of baby-led weaning and gagging she recommended these. They really helped me let him feed himself knowing they dissolve and they have made me more confident in introducing other baby-led feedings like toast and vegetables.


Pros: Easy on the go. Different flavours to mix things up.

Cons: Not the cheapest baby wafer option out there.

So here are my top 5 baby foods from stores. As my little man gets older I will explore more options and will definitely be updating my favourites. I will be doing my homemade puree combinations and recipes once I have explored more of what he likes and doesn't like so look out for that.


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