My PCOS Story

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects many women. It affects how your ovaries work causing many problems but the three big ones are. Infrequent, irregular period. High levels of male hormones and cysts on your ovaries. According to the NHS site, if you have at least two of those features you may be diagnosed with PCOS.


Irregular or no period at all. This can also affect your chances of getting pregnant.
Excessive hair growth (and not where you want it).
Thinning and hair loss from the head.
weight gain.
More prone to spots or acne due to oily skin.

You are also at higher risk of developing high cholesterol levels or type 2 diabetes. This is because the hormones including insulin are higher and the fact that most people with PCOS are overweight. Your insulin levels will increase even further.

Sadly a lot of these symptoms can affect a person's self-confidence. This means a lot of woman with PCOS suffer from depression and anxiety.
And even though there is no cure for PCOS a healthy change in balance and lifestyle can help with the symptoms.

Now to my story.....

When I was younger I could eat whatever I wanted and no matter what a stayed my slim self. I never ate crazily unhealthy just the odd extra slice of cake at parties and more potatoes with your Sunday lunch. I was also very active walking everywhere so when suddenly at aged 18 I gained weight rapidly it shocked me and people close to me. I just thought maybe my metabolism had slowed down and started going to the gym and eating healthier but nothing really helped.
I had also been back and forth to the doctors about my period. I would go without a period for months the longest being eight months when I was 16 years old. The doctors would tell me that I was too young to worry and it was normal for your period to take time to regulate but I knew it wasn't normal. I started my period aged 12 does it really take that long to regulate.
I had other symptoms such as hair, acne and depression. I was very low and at times felt like a hypochondriac. I would go to the doctors and they tell me to lose weight and get a hobby. (Not the best advice for someone who was really depressed.) Eventually, I asked my mum to come with me and she asked the doctor to run a blood test. As crazy as it sounds I was happy when the doctor called to tell me I had PCOS. I now knew that there was something wrong and I could do something about it. Plus I was happy to prove to the previous doctors that I wasn't just a lazy bum with no hobbies.
I went straight online and research everything I could. I learnt that due to the high insulin levels a low G.I. diet would be the best in helping me lose weight. Losing the weight helped with my symptoms and after 4 years of only having 3 periods a year I had a regular cycle.
I didn't have an ultrasound so I didn't know if I had any cysts on my ovaries and I had always wanted children. I was scared that my dream might not be achievable but today I write this with a 7-month-old sleeping soundly in the room next to me. A complete and utter surprise.

PCOS is something that will always affect my life. If I don't eat well for a couple of days I will gain weight drastically and have a teenage acne breakout but it's not life hindering. I know for others it's a lot worse. My best friend who was diagnosed last year has been told as she has a lot cyst on her ovaries and she will have a hard time conceiving. She will have to go down a long road of fertility treatments. A very expensive road. The positive note is that with treatment most woman will be able to get pregnant.

Talking about pregnacies this is something PCOS can also affect. I have read that in some cases that the hormone changes that take place during and just after pregnancy have in a way cured people. This has not been proven and in most cases, after a few years symptoms return. I have noticed that since my little one was born my symptoms have worsened. I know have maca powder every morning in the breakfast and that helps balance my hormones but I am still very lucky makeup exists.

So that is my story so far. I will make sure to post some low G.I. and maca recipes and other tips soon but I wanted to tell you my story first.


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